The City of Ashland responds to COVID-19

The City administration has been monitoring the COVID-19 situation with the Ashland County Health Department, State of Ohio Health Department, Gov. Mike DeWine and his administration, as well as President Trump and his administration. As the situation continues to develop, the City of Ashland Administration and Employees are committed to maintaining the high standard of services that we regularly provide. Scroll down to see changes within the City of Ashland departments and offices.

We will continue to monitor the situation, coordinate with other government and health agencies, and move forward to best meet the needs of the people of Ashland.

Our goals throughout this situation are to:

  • Maintain services to our citizens

  • Reduce or eliminate the infection or spreading of COVID-19 to our customers/citizens, with a focus on at-risk individuals. At-risk individuals, as defined by the CDC, are older adults (above 60 and even more focus for above 70), and those with current health conditions such as heart problems, diabetes, lung issues, etc.

  • Protect employees and their families from infection or spread of COVID-19

The City will continue to follow any guidance from the Governor's office, as well as that of other public health authorities, as we develop the specifics of further plans.

washing hands

City Services

At the City of Ashland’s Sanitation Department, the health and safety of our employees, customers and our community are a top priority. We recognize the Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation is evolving rapidly, and we are continuously evaluating the situation to ensure we can continue to provide superior service and support to our customers across the city. Based on the available information, we are currently maintaining our standard operations. The City of Ashland is actively following the CDC’s guidelines to keep our employees safe. We appreciate your patience as we prepare our employees and facilities across the city to continue providing the services our customers need and expect.

How you can help:

  • Bag all of your trash. This reduces employee exposure to items like used tissues and other personal hygiene products. 

  • Place trash at the curb the night before scheduled service. 

  • Continue to place recycling on the curb. Ensure you only place the correct items on the curb. Remember items like trash bags and grocery bags, tissues, napkins and paper cups aren’t accepted. For more information on recycling, see the recycling guidelines.

  • Properly dispose of medical sharps. Medical sharps used to administer medication to individuals or pets should be placed in a rigid plastic container, clearly marked “Sharps”, sealed shut and placed in trash.

The Ashland City Services - Street Department and Arborist Department continue to operate on the regular schedule. We ask that you please call the office at 419-289-9791 before you visit. Our staff will be glad to assist you over the phone. 

City Utilities

The Ashland City Utilities continues to operate on the regular schedule, which includes performing Ohio EPA mandated bacterial testing in water samples. Plans are in place to ensure the vital water and sewer services continue to run smoothly.

Parks & Recreation

The City of Ashland Parks continue to operate and maintain facilities. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to visit the parks for exercise, fresh air, and enjoyment! Please remember to practice social-distancing. 

We sincerely appreciate your understanding and cooperation.  As always, you can contact us at 419-289-8247.

Ashland Public Transit

 Ashland Public Transit (APT) is taking the following initiatives: 

  • Disinfecting all vehicles as needed between trips and at the end of each shift including wiping down all high touch surfaces (dash, steering wheel, controls, radio, all handles, seat belt latches, etc.)

  • Providing hand sanitizer to employees and clients on all vehicles

  • Providing PPE (Personal Protection Equipment, i.e. rubber gloves and disinfectant wipes) when necessary

  • Sanitizing high touch areas in office and break area; including tables, work stations and break area.

APT is and will follow recommendations from the CDC, OH Department of Health, and the Ashland County-City Health Department. 

For more information about COVID-19 in Ohio,
visit or call 1-833-4-ASKODH.


Ohio Department of Health Resources

Coronavirus.Ohio.Gov - ODH Coronavirus Resources Website

ODH Coronavirus Hotline - 1-833-427-5634 (1-833-4-ASK-ODH)

Open 7 Days a week, 9AM to 8PM. The Call Center is staffed by licensed nurses and experts on infectious diseases. These experts will be available to answer questions and provide accurate information on COVID-19. 

Ashland County-City Health Department

Local information for Ashland County and City of Ashland residents. Visit Ashland County-City Health Department website

Small Business Disaster Assistance

The Ohio Development Services Agency is in the process of applying for Small Business Administration’s Disaster Loan program for small businesses and non-profits negatively impacted by the coronavirus emergency.

  • The U.S. Small Business Administration is offering designated states and territories low-interest federal disaster loans for working capital to small businesses suffering substantial economic injury as a result of the Coronavirus (COVID-19). Upon a request received from a state’s or territory’s Governor, SBA will issue under its own authority, as provided by the Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Supplemental Appropriations Act that was recently signed by the President, an Economic Injury Disaster Loan declaration.

  • Any such Economic Injury Disaster Loan assistance declaration issued by the SBA makes loans available to small businesses and private, non-profit organizations in designated areas of a state or territory to help alleviate economic injury caused by the Coronavirus (COVID-19).

  • SBA’s Office of Disaster Assistance will coordinate with the state’s or territory’s Governor to submit the request for Economic Injury Disaster Loan assistance.

  • Once a declaration is made for designated areas within a state, the information on the application process for Economic Injury Disaster Loan assistance will be made available to all affected communities as well as updated on our Small Business Administration website.

For more information on local assistance and SBA Resources, please follow this link

Rep. Bob Gibbs

Additional resources have been put together on this comprehensive website.  

Center for Disease Control 

Visit Center for Disease Control website


Ohio Department of Jobs and Family Services, which administers unemployment benefits in Ohio, has a FAQ on their website regarding unemployment benefits eligibility

  • Ohio has waived the one week waiting period for unemployment benefits.

  • The penalty on businesses for late reporting has been waived.

  • Those quarantined by a medical professional and unable to work will be considered unemployed and the requirement to seek work will be waived.

Ohioans can apply for unemployment online 24 hours a day, seven days a week. To speed the processing of unemployment benefits, use the following number: 2000180. It also is possible to file by phone at (877) OHIO-JOB (1-877-644-6562) or TTY at (888) 642-8203, Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

University Hospitals Samaritan Medical Center

Visit University Hospitals Samaritan Medical Center website